“Harvest Moon,” a timeless and heartfelt composition, was crafted by the iconic Canadian musician, Neil Young. Serving as the titular piece of his album bearing the same name, this song eloquently captures the sentiments of love and nostalgia. Its calming melody and thought-provoking lyrics have transformed it into a lasting masterpiece, encouraging its audience to be swept away by its gentle tempo and contemplate the enduring influence of love. Neil Young’s emotive singing and poetic narrative elevate this song to a treasured cornerstone in the realms of folk and rock music.
Released in 1992
Harvest Moon Lyrics:
Come a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say
Just like children sleepin’
We could dream this night away
But there’s a full moon risin’
Let’s go dancin’ in the light
We know where the music’s playin’
Let’s go out and feel the night
Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon
When we were strangers
I watched you from afar
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart
But now it’s gettin’ late
And the moon is climbin’ high
I want to celebrate
See it shinin’ in your eye
Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon
Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon